The push to AI is meant to devalue the open web so we will move to web3 for compensation
Google’s Bard, the new Bing, ChatGPT are extractive and bypass creators work on the web and in doing so, disincentivize creators from sharing works on the internet. This is by design.
Weeknote 10, 2023
§1: Graphical history view of you research on Westlaw §2: Talk to Wikipedia using chatGPT §3: Build datasets with Constellate §4: What is Wikidata and Why You Should Do Data Entry For the Greater Good §5: Note-taking tools for school & life: Notion, Obsidian & PKM §6: Zotero PDF trick: Split horizontally
Weeknote 9, 2023
§1 “Goblin Mode Gaslighting” and Fair Dealing §2 Ace Attorney Objection Maker §3 The University of Winds is now on Ghost §4 Ken Eklund on Magic
Weeknote 7, 2023
§1 Crucial Voices: The Importance of Representation in Public Institutional Leadership §2 The Law and Technology Lab (LTEC Lab) §3 Linkroll
Weeknote 6, 2023
§1 The Magic of Small Databases §2 Browse the BBC In Our Time archive by Dewey decimal code §3 When U.S. copyright needed to be renewed, only 25% of books published from 1923 and 1964 were kept out of the public domain §4 Identity politics for librarians §5 Wandering Bard For Hire
The Why, How, and But… of Zotero for Law
I gave this presentation today. My slides are also hosted on eCampusOntario’s H5P site.
Crucial Voices: The Importance of Representation in Public Institutional Leadership
This Friday, February 10th, at 7pm, there will be an event entitled, Crucial Voices: The Importance of Representation in Public Institutional Leadership. I will be on the panel of speakers.
Weeknote 5, 2023
§1 Google’s Featured Snippets §2 Postmedia shoots the Windsor Star §3 Consider the Time
Weeknote 4, 2023
§1 Justfacts: Overrepresentation of Black People in the Canadian Criminal Justice System §2 They Rule §3 Public Interest Databases from Canada’s Investigative Journalism Foundation