Remembering The Group of Five
A bit of Canadian library history that’s not well understood outside of law libraries.
Where do you stand?
“I always tell my students: ‘A style is a means of insisting on something.’ A line of Sontag’s. — Zadie Smith, Imitations
Bibliomancy as the new PKM
I love the practice of bibliomancy because it re-introduces myself to the books that I have bought, and it re-animates my writing with ideas that I’ve already responded to and may have forgotten.
In Praise of Bibliomancy
Borge. Copying. Mimesis. Autofiction. Bibliomancy. Copying. Mimesis. Autofiction. Bibliomancy. Copying. Mimesis. Autofiction. Bibliomancy. Borges.
Summary Judgements
§ Occam’s Razor Blade § Headnotes reproduced verbatim and presented as ‘case summaries’ § Not keywords but Key People who help unlock knowledge § Not that one. The Eugene Garfield from Web of Science § Annual Reviews is pandering to librarians and I am here for it. § It is Time for Libraries to Claim…
The City As Classroom vs. The City As Advertising Platform
On May 2nd, 2016 I had the pleasure of speaking to York University Libraries as part of their Library Futures Series. This is what I said all those years ago.
Ways of Seeing into and out of the Black Box of AI
Where does knowledge reside? Is it on the page or within the one who holds it in their line of vision? Or is it in this black box?
Something life-changing is waiting for you in the library.
A post about waiting, libraries, invitations, and listening.