Weeknote 36 2023
§1 Chrome users are being opted into sharing their browser history §2 Here in your car, you no longer “only receive” §3 “I start with a single HTML tag and end with the downfall of civilization”
What is Wikidata and Why You Should Do Data Entry for the Greater Good
On May 31 2023, I spoke at CALL ACBD 2023. These are my slides and some of the things I’ve said.
Weeknote 18, 2023
§1 My new Google Reader §2 Law Library of Congress Reports §3 The Breach: “library workers are struggling to maintain a welcoming space in the face of policing solutions” §4 Google’s Project Tailwind §5 How About Machine Learning Enhancing Theses?
Weeknote 17, 2023
§1 What is Bill C-27? §2 What is AIDA? §3 AIDA: An Explainer for Artists & Creators §4 This week in Data and Justice §5 Unreported is not the same as irretrievable
Weeknote 16, 2023
§1 Injustice for All, Part Two §2 CBC: DIY law is on the rise §3 Ontario police hires no longer need a post-secondary education §4 What Wolfram|Alpha knows about US District Courts §5 The Running of the Interns
The future of local news is “civic information”
Public agencies and non-profit organizations need to invest in systems that can let their communities directly know of the work and the opportunities that they provide.
Weeknote 15, 2023
§1 This blog likely helped train the AI you are using §2 About the Topic in OMNI §3 A disappointing decision from the BC Court of Appeal §4 CBC Ideas: Injustice For All, Part One §5 Eight-five percent of (U.S.) librarians are white §6 The AI Incident Database
Weeknote 13, 2023
§1 The unchecked authority to determine the extent of our imaginative powers §2 💩⚖️ §3 Feedly can now use AI to track the protests of Feedly’s Protest Tracking Service
Weeknote 12, 2023
§1 Pentiment §2 Ms. Attribution §3 The Social Future of Academic Libraries §4 One of only seven Black scholars to receive Information Science PhDs in her year