OpenRefine and Wikidata are delicious. So why won’t you try it?
Will you try OpenRefine and Wikidata if I give you very selfish reasons to do so?
You don’t hate AI; You hate… : a collection
§1 Management Consulting Firms §2 The Apparatus §3 Automation §4 Surveillance Capitalism §5 Thatcherism §6 Technofeudalism §7 Exploiting Labour §8 Tech Bubbles §9 Corporations
Set seed or reproducibility: a collection
Can LLMs that are designed to generate novelty also produce reproducible results? I don’t answer that question.
I will dropkick you if you refer to an LLM as a Librarian
I am on Team LLMs are Cultural Artifacts. I am not on Team “AI Rights”.
The flood of machine-generated news and misinformation demands witness
How can we fact-check potentially machine-generated misinformation when our investment in journalism is being decimated?
When the zone is being flooded, libraries need to make the high ground
Libraries can and should lend our authority to help others establish claims based on credible sources of information on the internet.
Words of 2023
Inspired by Matt Webb, I have been collecting words and phrases that are interesting to me since March of 2021.
Shall We Play A Game? How games can help us think about machine learning
What are generative AI LLM gpt-chat-bot machine learning systems… for? And how can game theory help us answer that question?