Author: Mita Williams
Citations Needed – Chatting about Chat-GPT
Yesterday I spoke on a panel which was one part of a series of Windsor Law LTEC Lab forum discussions about Chat-GPT & Generative AI. This post is a means to share my cited works to prove that I didn’t make it all up (like Australia) like an army of drunk interns named Steve would.
Understanding AI as Dark Magic : A Collection
§1 Never give an AI your true name §2 Now is the time for grimoires §3 “I refuse to write the name of mythical foes” §4 Dæmon (His Dark Materials) §5 Our Gothic Future §6 The more monstrous §7 An AI Haunted World §8 Old wards and new against fake humans §9 Glimpsing the shoggoth…
Weeknote 41 2023
§1 The librarian who devoured the library §2 Alexa reads too many Substack newsletters §3 How Libraries, Museums, and Stock Agencies Launched a New Image Economy §4 We need to understand generative AI as platforms for coordinating labour. §5 AI and The Unauthorized Practice of Law
Weeknote 39 2023
§1 Bianca Wylie on Canada’s Failing AI Regulatory Process §2 An Open Letter in regards to Bill C-27 §3 The Government intends to take an agile approach §4 A guide on the use of Generative AI from the Government of Canada §5 What Should Students Pay for University Course Readings?
Newsletter Discovery is Difficult
Is it time to bring back the blog-roll (or whatever is the equivalent for newsletters?)
Weeknote 38 2023
§1 The Physician to Librarian Spectrum §2 Fixing Search §3 When “not contrary to the public interest”, which public?
The alternative to AI is talking to other people
What I better want to understand is how generative AI is understood as something that one chats with.
Can ActivityPub give blogging another chance?
In which the author is testing out the new ActivityPub WP plugin
Weeknote 36 2023
§1 Chrome users are being opted into sharing their browser history §2 Here in your car, you no longer “only receive” §3 “I start with a single HTML tag and end with the downfall of civilization”
What is Wikidata and Why You Should Do Data Entry for the Greater Good
On May 31 2023, I spoke at CALL ACBD 2023. These are my slides and some of the things I’ve said.