Month: January 2021
Weeknote 4 (2021)
I don’t have much that I can report in this week’s note. You are just going to have to take my word that this week, a large amount of my time was spent at meetings pertaining to my library department, my union, and anti-black racism work. §1 Last year, around this same time, some colleagues…
Weeknote 3 (2021)
Hey. I missed last week’s weeknote. But we are here now. §1 This week I gave a class on searching scientific literature to a group of biology masters students. While I was making my slides comparing the Advanced Search capabilities of Web of Science and Scopus, I discovered this weird behaviour of Google Scholar: a…
Weeknote 1 (2021)
This week’s post is not going to capture my ability to be productive while white supremacists appeared to be ushered in and out of the US Capitol building by complicit police and COVID-19 continued to ravage my community because our provincial government doesn’t want to spend money on the most vulnerable. Instead, I’m just going…